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Med. technika

Med. technika
3.4 / 5
3.4 stars, based on 11 reviews

Druskingumo jutiklis (0 .. 50 ppt)

Speciali Kaina: 136.13 €
Radiation sensor The Radiation sensor BT70i senses alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Alpha, beta, gamma rays ionize material they strike or pass through. The amount of radiation is generally determined by measuring the resulting ionization. The Radiation sensor uses a Geiger-Muller tube to detect this radiation. A clicking sound is emitted for each radiation event detected (for each count).
For the short amount of time the GM tube is detecting one particle. If another radioactive particle enters the tube it will not be detected. This is called dead time. The maximum dead time for the GM tube is 90 microseconds (or 90 µs).
To detect radiation point the sensor toward the source of radiation. To detect Alpha radiation put the sensor close to the source, this is because Alpha particles do not travel far through air.

The Radiation sensor can be used in the following experiments:
• Monitoring background radiation
• Monitoring radiation of common radioactive materials
• Radioactive decay and half-life determination
• Radiation level versus shielding
• Monitoring radiation from a beta or gamma radiation source as a function of the distance between the source and the radiation sensor.

The Radiation sensor can be directly connected to analog BT inputs of the CMA interfaces.

Technical specifications of the senso rare described in its User's guide.

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