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Stratigrafinė kolekcija, 40 fosilijų
Speciali Kaina:
557.69 €
Informacija apie prekę
Prekės kodas
1018513 [U75025]
1.8 kg
26 x 50 x 6.5 cm
3B Scientific
Stratigraphic collection 40 fossils
These collections contain carefully selected animal and plant fossils from all the important groups that are representativeof certain geological time periods. These examples, placed in chronological order, give an overview of the developmentof life from the Precambrian to the Quaternary period. Each item is stored individually in boxes placed in chronologicalorder, with a label, the date and details of where the item was found. The fossils come in a wooden box with a detailedaccompanying booklet in English, German and French. The collections were created especially to give an introductionto palaeontology. The items delivered may vary depending on availability. We will ensure that we provide at least oneexample from each period.
Ediacara Fauna: Nemiana simplex
Trilobite,: Elrathia kingi
Brachiopod: Obolus appolinis
Bryozoa: Phylloporina furcata
Nautiloidea: Endoceras sp.
Brachiopod, Rhynchonellida
Graptolite: Monograptus sp. & Cyrtograptus sp.
Primitive Plant: Zosterophyllum rhenanum
Tabulate coral: Favosites polymorphus
Tetracorallia: Cyathophyllum sp.
Tetracorallia: Calceola sandalina
Brachiopod: Spinocyrtia ostiolata
Brachiopod, Rhynchonellida: Kransia sp.
Goniatit, Cephalopod with simple sutur line: Cheiloceras sp.
Horsetail tree: Calamites sp.
Giant club moss, Lycopods: Lepidodendron aculeatum
Seed fern
Blastoid: Pentremites godoni
Foraminifera: Triticites ventricosus
Primitive Amphibian, Labyrinthodontia: Branchiosaurus amblystomus
Silicified Wood: Dadoxylon sp.
Brachiopod: Coenothyris vulgaris
Encrinus liliiformis
Bivalve, Devil’s Toenail: Gryphaea arcuata
Ammonit: Osperleioceras bicarinatum
Bivalve: Posidonia (Steinmannia) bronni / Bositra buchii
Sponge: Cnemidiastrum rimulosum
Ammonit:‚Perisphinctes‘ sp.
Belemnite: Belemnitella mucronata;
Sea urchin: Conulus subconicus
Teeth of a shark: Cretolamna maroccana
Foraminifera: Nummulites perforatus
Mesogastropoda, Sea snail
Anthozoa: Pattalophyllia sinuosa
Gastropod: Pleurotoma (Clavatula)
Fruit of a Plant: Mastixia amygdalaeformis
Scaphopoda: Dentalium sexangulum
Artefact: Flint
Mammalia: Mammuthus primigenius